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(Fermat's final theorem)


(The expression of “Mathematical equation is beautiful”)

As is often the case in ancient era, mathematicians called equation “beautiful, elegant, etc” as the term to admire it. Firstly, we all need to focus on people who loved Mathematics and did great work for our generation.


About Fermat’s last theorem

I will firstly explain a lit bit about Fermat's last theorem,

X^n + Y^n = Z^n   If this n in this equation is more than 3, this equation cannot be defined.    

Don’t be overwhelmed when you just see that…. This is a really interesting theorem.

This theorem was firstly introduced by Pierre de Fermat, a French mathematician in the seventeenth century. Since about 3 centuries after his death, nobody could prove his theorem. Based on that, it was later called “the last theorem”.


Moreover, Fermat said “Although I have a solution for this theorem, I cannot indicate here because there is not enough space to write”. A lot of mathematician tried to solve this question for 3 centuries, but it was an unsolvable question for a couple of decades the 20th century. What is worse, the studying itself evolved drastically and the computer technology also developed, yet nobody could solve this theorem.


                                                                                      The newspaper that informs the

                                                                                      complement of theorem.

                                                                                      This day was when world was

                                                                                      surprised and applauded the great history  

A miracle happened

In June 1993, one mathematician named Wiles Andrew finally put an end to this long question. He had been investigating in Princeton University from UK University. His lecture in university lasted 3 days. In June 23rd, he finished his lecture and reported that he succeeded in solving Fermat’s final theorem. That was the moment when all worlds surprised.

This is both the end and beginning of the story.

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