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(What is Pi?)


Generally speaking, the perimeter of a circle is the fraction of diameter

and circumference of the circle and it is merely called “Pi”. When we are

in elementary school, we learned that Pi is infinitely number that continue

forever. Some of you might have doubt why it is infinite continuous.

In this article, I would like to provide the information of Pi and calculation

methods as well as why it is infinitely continuous.


1) Formula to calculate circumference

            2 radius Pi = circumference.

2) How to calculate Pi?

As you can see in number 1, we need to solve Pi first in order to calculate

circumference of circle.We all learn that Pi is 3.14 in school, yet this value is

functionally abbreviated. According to mathematics studying, Pi is special

number that decimal number infinitely continuing as - 3.141592 -.


3) Why does it continue forever without any pattern? What is it?

As it is mentioned above, there might be a lot of people who capture it mass of mystery.

Simply saying, the key to solve this question is thinking the property of number which does

not continue forever. For instance, the number like this is fraction. It means that rational

number( which can stop some time ) satisfy the shape of fraction. On the other hands,

irrational number such as Pi cannot be expressed by fraction. The famous instance which

has similar property is root 2. It will also continue forever like 2.41421356……..

To summarize this point, the reason why Pi does not stop is that number of Pi cannot expressed

by fraction; it will answer the big question.

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