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(Why Mathematics are important for us?) 


Numbers are very peculiar and amazing, numbers play a very integral part of our lives, without numbers life would never be the same. On the other hand, combining or separating the numbers leads to the subject of mathematics and to learn mathematics is very much essential as without it, nothing would have been possible. Today, it is not just a subject taught in class, it is very important in the day to day life of every individual as well. In fact, we are surrounded by numbers as everywhere we go is simple calculations to formulating a budget, calculating the time, distance or weight and so on need mathematics.

To explore more, we have listed below few reasons why mathematics is important today.
1. Daily Lives
2. Budgeting Money
3. Exercise of the Brain
4. Problem-Solving Skills
5. Important Key Skill for Work

1. Daily Lives

From the time we get up in the morning to the time we sleep

we use math. For example, when we get up we calculate the

time we have left to get to school or work, we calculate the

estimated time to travel. We use math to calculate the amount

of money used to pay for the goods and services

                                                            2Budgeting Money
                                                            Math is not just important in calculating but it is also printed

                                                            in money, the worth of money is estimated by the unit of the

                                                            number printed on the currency. To survive in this world money

                                                            is the is also important

3. Exercise of the Brain
Mathematics is not just an important subject but a very good

exercise for the brain. It stimulates the brain into responding

things quicker and making the mind sharp, playing with numbers

is one of the basic skills of the intelligent minds. Important and

correct calculation of money is also very important.

                                                                                                    4. Problem-Solving Skills 
                                                                                                    Math not only stimulates the brain but also helps

                                                                                                    in solving problems. It provides a platform to understand

                                                                                                    the intensity of the problem and the various ways of

                                                                                                    solving the problems. Remember, the saying goes “math

                                                                                                    may not teach us how to add love or subtract hate, but

                                                                                                    it gives us the hope that every problem has a solution”.

5. Important Key Skill for Work
Any job requires math skills, there is a

calculation in every aspect of work. A research

shows that employers generally employ candidates

with math skills, as they believe that math helps in

problem-solving and increases the ability to

handle every problem with smartness. Therefore,

to be able to acquire a good job position in the

market, math skill is very important.

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